Bancho Gang Jan 2022 Standard Sleeves 65x


Make it 100 Sleeves

SKU: 1 Standard Sleeves x65 2022 Jan StaticFox64 BanchoGang Standard Sleeves Print.jpg Categories: , Tags: , , , , , , , ,


The Bancho Gang is here, in these standard card sleeves!

Bancho is a group of five Digimon. It is said that only Digimon who continue to emerge victorious in battles with fierce champions, without their spirit being “broken”, are able to acquire the title of “Bancho”.

Digimon pictured:
Bancho Golemon, Bancho Leomon, Bancho Lillymon, Bancho Mamemon, and Bancho Stingmon

65x Standard Sleeves

Standard Size Sleeves: (2.6in x 3.59in’ (66 x 91 MM)
Dragon Ball Super
Magic The Gathering

2022 Jan StaticFox64 BanchoGang Sleeve Sample 2022 Jan StaticFox64 BanchoGang Standard Sleeves